Shree Maha Mrityunjaya Advait Sadhna- Intensive

Who is Mahamritunjay? Mahamritunjay is one of the most ancient names of Shiva mentioned in the Rig Veda.  In the form of Mahamritunjaya Shiva is known as a protector from the untimely death or Akal Mrityu and brings longevity in life and improves physical health, emotions and can grant even immortality. What is Mahamritunjay Mantra? Mahamaritunjay […]

Learn Professional Energy Vastu

ENERGY VASTU Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian practice, involves designing buildings and living spaces in harmony with natural forces and energy fields. The practice has gained popularity in recent years, with individuals seeking to create a positive environment for their well-being and success. Energy Vastu, the most scientific aspect of implemented Vastu Shastra, is focused […]

Teacher’s Training Program

The bedrock of our Sanatan Vidya, or eternal knowledge, is predicated on total healing, which is deeply rooted in the science of energy. The potential for creating anything in life, be it health, relationships, or wealth, is well within our grasp, and we possess the capability to achieve it. Countless healing modalities exist in the […]


माइंड पावर मेडिटेशन के साथ अपने बच्चे की अद्भुत क्षमता को उजागर करें! हमारा ध्यान कार्यक्रम बच्चों को तेजी से पढ़ने, तेजी से सीखने, उनकी याददाश्त और आईक्यू बढ़ाने और तनाव कम करने में मदद करता है। हमारे ध्यान कार्यक्रम के साथ, आपका बच्चा अनावश्यक विचारों और चिंताओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करेगा, बेहतर स्वास्थ्य, बेहतर […]

Past Life Therapy

Does Past Life Exist? Probably many people have this question in their mind and to tell you the truth yes it exists. Even ancient mythologies have always spoken of reincarnation and rebirth and the present scientific system is studying this and has found some strong evidence on the past life and its effects on current […]



गायत्री साधना क्या है? माता गायत्री का दिव्य स्वरूप जो की उगते सूरज का परिचायक है और उगते सूर्य की ही भांति घनघोर से घनघोर अंधेरे को पल भर में ही हर लेने वाला है, ऐसे मातृत्व व करुणा से ओत प्रोत जगतजननी भगवती के इस दिव्य स्वरूप की साधना गायत्री साधना कहलाती है । […]


Sanatan Yog Healing Level 1&2

“Sanatan Yog” Sanatan refers to the “eternal truth” or the truth since the beginning of the time and Yog means union.So Sanatan Yog refers to the union with the eternal truth which was before the existence came into being and which would remain even when this existence ceases to exist. Different languages call that eternal […]


Gods Awakening

हर व्यक्ति के मन में ऐसे प्रश्न अवश्य आते हैं कि उसके जीवन का उद्देश्य क्या है ! आपको यह जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि मनुष्य उन चौरासी लाख योनियों में एक ऐसा प्राणी है जो यह जानने में सक्षम है । हमारे शास्त्रों में कहा गया है कि जो ब्रह्मांड में है वह इस पिंड […]


Heal Your womb trauma

Heal Your Birth To Heal Your Life“ Are you facing stress in your life? You are fed up with your bad behavior and want to change yourself. You have certain fears and congestion in your life which you want to get rid of. Your personality has become a mess for you and you want to […]